Funstay Partners With Pahadi House To Offer Travellers With A ‘’Heavenly’’ Experience

Shares, the disruptive online platform offering one of a kind stay experience to travelers in India has collaborated with Pahadi House, a beautiful homestay in Kanatal, Uttarakhand. The bright yellow cottages of this accommodation enclosed in nature’s lap will bring a smile on their guest’s face for sure.

Further, Funstay will now officially represent Pahadi House in Bangalore and any inquiry for a dream holiday at Pahadi House can now be sent to or +91-8287-039-039.

The tie-up will further expand the unique offerings of and will enable the travel enthusiasts to experience nature like never before.

The Pahadi lifestyle is a slow paced straightforward and peaceful one, the culture and beliefs haven’t seen much of change through the generations and still stick to their classic way of starting the day appreciating the warmth of sunrise and ending it witnessing the serenity of the sunset. Pahadi house not only welcomes you to stay in a village-like environment, but it helps you to experience the ethnic Pahadi life while chatting with the locals and witnessing and participating in their daily chores.

The food is home cooked; the vegetables are organic, and the room gives you Wi-Fi, so you stay connected to the outer world amidst the nature beauty. For its preferential treatment and unforgettable stay, the travelers and ardent lovers say “you could only see it to believe it.”

Sharing his delight on the new partnership, Nitin Agrawal, Co-founder and CEO of commented, “This partnership will allow our esteemed travelers experience closeness to mother nature in an astounding way. A walk through Kodia Jungle, one of the well-preserved attractions in Kanatal promises to take a passenger right at the core of life and give him ample scope to encounter with the wild. Pahadi House is a treat for travelers looking for a break from the hustle and bustle of urban areas.’’

Funstay also recently tied up with Flexiroam, which has proven its unprecedented credentials in the international voice and data roaming space.

About Funstay: is an online marketplace offering unique experiential stays or just put it on an online platform which fetches travelers with one of a kind accommodation options with its extensive tie-ups across India. The online portal lets you choose the kind of experience you are looking for and the activities you want to engage in while on vacation, it then provides an extensive list of relevant suggestions from its full portfolio of unique stays to choose from. The portal with its plethora of excellent stay options is setting new benchmarks in the hospitality segment. To know more about Funstay and its services, visit

You can also reach Funstay at or call +91-8287-039-039.

About Pahadi House, Kanatal:

Kanatal isn’t a destination that just comes with a promise of frills and thrills. It urges you to slow down and relish nature’s sights and sounds in the serene abode of the Himalayas. A series of narrow, zigzag roads surrounded by fragrant pine, deodar, and rhododendron trees lead you to this little hill station tucked inside the belly of Uttarakhand’s rolling hills.

The story goes like this where a few decades ago a lake named kanatal which was situated here which has now dried up, and to make this instance memorable the place has been called Kanatal. In Hindi Kanatal means “one-eyed lake.”

Kanatal offers a vast list of experiences for the visitors, ranging from the Kodia forest, the Surkunda Devi Temple, The Tehri dam. One of the attractions that have recently been catching everybody’s attention is a different Homestay with its unique concept called the ‘Pahadi House.’

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