Karanji Lake and Nature Park Mysore (Timings, Reviews, Pics)


Mysore afternoons are rainy these days. Almost every day it has rained. So it was a sort of the gamble to go out on an evening. After having a sumptuous lunch from a Malayali shop, we started to Karanji Lake. It was 14 kilometers from where we stay in Mysore and it’s just a tad above 2km from the suburban bus stand. The place looks quiet and is a very good option to spend some time away from stress. The entrance is appealing and it cost 25 per person. The path toward the lake from the gate looked stunning and was something which I’ve not seen in my entire lifetime. The lake was a couple of minutes walk from the gate. It was already buzzing and it was getting busier. We thought of waiting for some time for the weather to get to get a little cooler. We had to take the ticket for boating and it cost 25 again.


Boating had two option: pedaling type or the one with a person to row. We opted for the pedaling one. It was a beautiful time out in the water. The water wasn’t clear. But boating was pretty good.

After spending nearly 25 minutes boating, we entered the aviary. This is India’s largest walk-through aviary. It was pretty good. There were different varieties of birds.


We walked from there and saw the orchid garden. Then we reached the watch tower and that was the best thing. It was getting darker and I wished if it would rain when we reach the top of the watch tower. The view from there was amazing. We took a lot of pictures there. Just as we started to come down it started to rain. The shower was slow. We reached quickly at the gate and then it started to rain heavily. We got wet and somehow managed to get a car.


Karanji Lake and its surroundings are quite and are an optimal place to visit if you ever come to Mysore.

Opening timings for karanji lake

All days of the week except Tuesday
8:30 AM – 5:30 PM
karanji-lake karanji-kale-mysore karanji-lake-mysore3 karanji-lake-mysore4 karanji-lake-mysore5 karanji-lake-mysore6 karanji-lake-mysore-garden karanji-lake-nature-park-mysore peacock-karanji-lake-mysore
Story & Photos by Febin V Thomas
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