How to make KSEB Bill Payment Online?

Kerala State Electricity Board now offers online payment facility of the consumers through their website

Making KSEB bill payment was traditionally done by visiting any of their section offices and standing in a long queue. The new Quick Pay facility from KSEB now makes the bill payment fast and easy.

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You can make the payment by using the quick pay facility without making any registrations on their website. Net banking & debit card payment facility is available from most of the banks without any additional charges. What you need to pay is the amount shown on the bill.

You can even pay the bill after the due dates sometimes and the late payment charges will be added to your next bill.

The payment process does not take more than 2 minutes and you will be getting a receipt of confirmation immediately on your email id and the mobile number provided.

Their customer service team is also very much supportive and friendly when you compare to any other govt service provider.